Thursday, July 30, 2020

ALL Local NOTES - /studentdesk/Download/

[To Parent Directory]

  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> .svn
11/21/2014  4:53 PM       602739 1.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     13513771 70-640.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     12795449 70-642.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     16897724 70-643.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM      9508785 70-647.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM     31306238 70-680.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM     36690686 Acting for animationThe Animator's Survival Kit - Richard Williams (English).pdf
 3/27/2015  5:53 PM      3029575 Administring_Windows_Server 2012_Exam_Ref_70_411.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:56 PM       542950 Admissionform_2011_2012new.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:58 PM      8584721 adobe after effects.pdf
11/29/2017  8:54 PM      2302827 Adobe Dreamwear.rar
 7/31/2013  4:58 PM      7860226 adobe dreamweaver.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     16768351 adobe flash.pdf
11/29/2017  8:56 PM     31148803 Adobe Flash.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     11281288 adobe illustrator.pdf
11/29/2017  8:59 PM     15233910 Adobe Illustrator.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     13883608 adobe indesign.pdf
11/29/2017  9:01 PM     37829673 Adobe Indesign.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM     16433518 adobe photoshop.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      8204601 adobe premiere.pdf
  2/9/2016 11:05 AM      7577163 Adobe_Dreamviewer_5.5.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      1144783 Advance Java eBook.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      2408328 ADVANCE WINDOWS 2008 NETWORK MANAGEMENT new.pdf
 1/30/2015  4:25 PM     14846048 Advance_Excel.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:03 PM       904351 AdvanceJavaN.pptx
11/25/2016  5:01 PM      9696184 AEC001_FY-BCA_English_Communication.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      5673350 After Effects and Combution.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:16 PM      2568238 Android.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:17 PM     10372735 Android_Application_development_By_Dummies.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:09 PM      1975986 Android_ppt.pptx
 7/20/2015  1:18 PM      1372177 Android_Programming_Basics.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:18 PM      3608103 android_tutorial.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:19 PM      1617429 Android_Tutorial1.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:19 PM       947724 android_tutorial_Nikhil_Yadav.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:19 PM      1605567 AndroideBookByGoogle.pdf
 7/24/2015  5:33 PM      1975986 AndroidPPT.pptx
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM       314360 Annamalai Time Table.jpg
  6/4/2014  6:01 PM       200704 App_Code.dll
  6/4/2014  6:02 PM         7680 App_Web_downloads.aspx.36489eee.dll
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM     14264413 Asp.Net eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM     15379177 ASP.NET Reference Book.rar
 9/18/2015  5:14 PM      9735062
  6/4/2015  3:47 PM     10729037 AVID.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM       168282 B.Sc Complete Syllabus.pdf
 11/9/2017  8:33 PM      3103920 Basic_Assignment.pdf
 4/25/2014  2:56 PM      4066116 BasicPhotography.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM        71515 Books-List.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      1139610 BSc SNA Model Paper.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      1335738 BSc Visual Media Model Paper.rar
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      1481149 Bugzilla_Final_Version_Updated_Version2.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      2886231 C Programming Reference Book.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM     14444982 C++.rar
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM       685963 C-FINAL.pdf
11/30/2017  4:39 PM     14763089 C.rar
 7/27/2015  4:10 PM      1252208 c_language.rar
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       101800 C_PROGRAMMING_NOTES.docx
 8/20/2015  4:03 PM       101800 C_PROGRAMMINGNOTES.docx
 7/31/2013  5:08 PM     18075640 C_Sharp_eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM     40876170 CCNA ebook.pdf
 7/27/2015  4:10 PM      7529993
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      1603630 CLIENT AND SERVER NETWORK.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM       633649 CLIENT SERVER ARCHITECTURE.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      2778300 Cloud Computing Book.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM     58536660 Communication English 2.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      1033489 COMMUNICATION ENGLISH BCA - 02.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM       242001 Communication Skills.rar
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM        42496 Communication-Skill-Study-skill-Prof.Dev-courses.doc
 7/31/2013  5:02 PM      1010965 COMPUTER GRAPHICS.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM     79095512 Computer Organization and Architecture.6th.Ed.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM     74988147 Computer Organization and Architecture.6th.Ed.rar
 7/31/2013  5:02 PM      2311918 COMPUTER_NETWORKS_AND_INTERNET_12new.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:03 PM      3198052 COMPUTER_PROBLEMS_AND_TROUBLESHOOTING.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:12 PM       626176 ComputerMonitors.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:03 PM      2410402 Concepts_of_Digital_Film_Making.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM     20570412 Configuring_exchange_server_2007 (237-238).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM     21668051 constitution Q-1 to Q-10.rar
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM     40972231 constitution.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        13008 Copy of test.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM      2671055 COREL_DRAW_BOOK.pdf
  2/9/2016 11:07 AM     34069667 Corel_Draw_X5.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM       651157 Cpp.pdf
  9/9/2015 11:44 AM       259661 Cpp_programming.pptx
 7/31/2013  5:03 PM     19857352 CppReferenceBook.rar
 3/24/2017  6:56 PM      6365446 Cyber Security Manual V1.0.pdf
 12/1/2014  6:09 PM       452714 Cyber_Safety_Essentials.pdf
 11/7/2015 11:55 AM     19151580 D_Link_Subject_PPT.rar
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM      2229603 DATA COMMUNICATION.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:07 PM      5561934 DATA STRUCTURE.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:07 PM      1703126 DBMS.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:07 PM      1483565 DEC. 2012 Procedure & Process.rar
 7/31/2013  5:08 PM      8512036 dotNET3.5Assignments.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         1482 DownloadExamtimeTable.aspx
 3/28/2018  2:58 PM         5687 Downloads.aspx
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         3983 DownloadSelection.aspx
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         3642 DownloadsMain.aspx
 4/25/2014  2:39 PM     23924690 Drawing_book_final.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM     15125912 E-Commerce.pdf
 4/25/2014  5:15 PM        <dir> eBooks
12/20/2014  4:00 PM      3425044 Edutalk Ghatkopar  Nov. 2014 light.pdf
12/20/2014  3:28 PM     92092068 Edutalk Ghatkopar  Nov. 2014.pdf
11/29/2014  2:50 PM     33237509 Edutalk Thane Center 6.pdf
 1/12/2015  6:09 PM      3423272 Edutalk_Andheri_volume_7_January_2015_compressed.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM      2607267 Enterprise information and Storage managementt.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM    116627879 Environmental studies.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM      1831501 Exam sample practice.rar
 12/8/2016  5:28 PM        52936 EXAM_NOTICE_STUDENT_FEB_2017.docx
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM     69881399 Figure Drawing Without a Model.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM     19127433 Final copy Networking.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM      5457920 FINAL_DOCUMENTATION-HST.doc
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM       759032 finalnoteSQL.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM      2004571 FLASH .pdf
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      1258911 FTP.rar
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       272751 function.pptx
  1/4/2016  4:20 PM      4318447 Google_search_engine_optimization_starter_guide.pdf
10/17/2013  1:34 PM        12118 Graphics sample question.docx
 1/25/2014  5:08 PM       256649 Guidelines_for_IT_Seminar_For_Students.pdf
10/17/2013  1:34 PM        13652 hardware sample question.docx
 5/18/2015 11:37 AM      8105896 HardwareMaintainance.pdf
 7/26/2018 12:35 PM          108 HitCount.xml
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM      1236039 HTML eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM      2939970 HTML Reference Book.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM     24708985 HTML.rar
 7/27/2015  4:11 PM       178413 html5.rar
 12/8/2014  3:18 PM     22164444 HTML5_With_CSS3.pdf
  9/9/2015 12:01 PM      6237688 Html5withCSS3newPPT.rar
 5/28/2015 11:02 AM        11820 HUMANITIES_SYLLABUS.docx
 4/29/2015 12:47 PM        11710 Humanities_Syllabus_YCMOU.docx
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM       233668 Humanitites_and_development.rar
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM       233668 Humanitites_and_development_eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:16 PM     34416355 HW Book Updated on 11 April 12.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM      3196367 ILLUSTRATOR_AU.pdf
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> images
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM      3880375 Indesign_AU.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:17 PM     42702146 indesign_cs5_help.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM     76283791 Indian_constitution_And_Ethics.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      4792638 INDUSTRY VISIT Album N.pdf
 3/27/2015  5:54 PM      7895885 Installing_And_Configuring_Windows_Server_2012_Exam_Ref_70_410.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM      1092235 Instructions Exam May 2013.rar
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM       503102 Interview Questions active-directory-And-group-pollicy.pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       717824 INTRO_OF_C.ppt
 4/25/2014  2:50 PM      1318821 Intro_to_Basic_Comp_Fundmt.pdf
  4/6/2015  3:54 PM      2365063 Introducing_Windows_Azure_Final_PDC10.pdf
  6/4/2015  3:01 PM      1449250 introduction_to_seo.pdf
 4/25/2014  2:50 PM       503964 Introduction_to_visual_communication.pdf
 4/24/2014  2:56 PM     52205845 IT Helpdesk.rar
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1545670 java eBook.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM     38083060 Java Reference Book.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM     15555020 JAVA SCRIPT.rar
 11/5/2015  4:11 PM      1645439
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1619349 Javascript Reference Book.rar
  9/9/2015 12:00 PM      1216392
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1453670 JavaScriptnotesfinal-2 new.pdf
 2/12/2015 11:43 AM      4935434 JQuery.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:03 PM       189845 JQuery.pptx
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> js
10/14/2014 11:44 AM      6050403 kandivali(w)_vol_03_sept_2014 .pdf
 9/12/2014 12:55 PM      8246083 kandivali(w)_vol_03_sept_2014.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1386609 KSOU BCA.rar
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM      3530834 KSOU Bsc(Com IT).rar
 7/31/2013  5:29 PM    141193289 KSOU Computer Fundamental.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM        36352 KSOU practical.xls
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM       193232 ksou prelim exam.pdf
  2/7/2014  6:52 PM       129067 KSOU VM & SNA Exam.pdf
  2/7/2014  7:17 PM        22016 KSOU VM & SNA Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xls
  2/7/2014  7:17 PM        23552 KSOU VM & SNA Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xls
 4/25/2014  2:51 PM      1640716 KSOU_COMMUNICATION_ENGLISH_BCA_VM_SEM_I.pdf
12/25/2014  5:58 PM        13526 Ksou_Exam_Time_Table.xlsx
 1/10/2014  5:20 PM       525509 KSOU_EXAM_TIME_TABLE_JANUARY_2014_centreal_belt_centres.pdf
 1/10/2014  4:36 PM       524068 KSOU_EXAM_TIME_TABLE_JANUARY_2014_Western_Belt_centres.pdf
  8/5/2014  2:59 PM        11423 KSOU_Final_Prac_Exam.xlsx
  2/8/2014  2:39 PM        21504 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xls
  2/8/2014  2:41 PM        21504 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xls
 2/26/2014  3:07 PM        14420 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Practical_Exam_Time_Table.xlsx
  2/8/2014  4:39 PM        11825 KSOU_VM_SNA Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xlsx
  2/8/2014  4:39 PM        10950 KSOU_VM_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xlsx
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM       867966 Lab III- Windows Server 2008 ADS.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM      1580447 Lab_1_-_Assemble_Desktops_&_Laptop_Maintanence.1.pdf
12/27/2014  4:33 PM     18922258 Lighting_and_Rendering_in_Maya.pdf
 7/23/2016 12:56 PM      6205827 MagentoStudyMaterial.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM       730674 Manual_Testing_Guide.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM      3567187 matchmovertutorials.pdf
 8/22/2013  4:58 PM     29822342 Mathematics for Computers (CMP 250).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM       980745 Mathematics.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM     19861805 McGraw.Hill.Cisco.Certified.Network.Associate.Study.Guide.Exam.640-802.Apr.2008.eBook-DDU.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     19434611 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unleashed.pdf
  4/6/2015  3:54 PM      8395026 Microsoft_Press_ebook_Introducing_Azure_PDF.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      4585020 Mobile Application Development using .NET Final.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:12 PM      2758144 mother05.ppt
 5/13/2016  4:55 PM      1051813 MS_Access_2007.pdf
 5/13/2016  4:54 PM      3694282 Ms_outlook_2010.pdf
  4/8/2015  3:31 PM      7759846 Msoffice_2007.rar
 5/18/2015 11:37 AM      4864267 Network_Security.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      3394257 Networking_in_Diff_OS.pdf
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> Notes
 8/22/2013  5:09 PM     48585694 Office Tools-Microsoft Office Word Document.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1277022 OOPS WITH C++.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM          726 Operating System 3E.rar
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1012978 OPERATING SYSTEM.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1338140 OPERATING_SYSTEM_AND_APPLICATION_SOFTWARE(2) (1).pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       117175 operator.pptx
  1/6/2014  5:04 PM     23207936 Oracle Reference Book.rar
 8/20/2015  4:01 PM       217181 ORACLE.docx
11/16/2015  3:32 PM       725128 P32_BCA_Syllabus_2015.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     12217907 Photoshop.Digital.Matte.Painting.-.Techniques.Tutorials.and.Walk-Throughs.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      9376462 Photoshop.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:18 PM       586454 PHP1.pptx
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM      5962417 PHP_with_MySQL.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      5402351 PLT.rar
11/10/2015  6:07 PM       496643 Practical_Exam_Booking_Process.ppsx
  2/9/2014  3:24 PM        18943 Practical_exam_SNA_ &_ VM_ Feb_ 10_ 2014.xlsx
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     14996511 Premier_And_Sound_Forge.pdf
11/30/2017  4:10 PM    890065589 Premiere.rar
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       112068 Preprocessor.pptx
10/17/2013  1:30 PM        13251 Prog sample question.docx
 8/22/2013  5:07 PM     40087065 Program Expertise in C (CMP 201) SHB.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM      1458582 PROGRAMMING C.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM        11441 Project Topics.docx
 12/1/2015  5:52 PM        54722 Project_Approval_Proposal_Model.docx
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM        18545 Question Paper For Constitution.docx
 7/31/2013  5:24 PM     38124278 realflow_manual.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM         7689 Relavant Documents  for ycmou bca_bis_diploma_Admission.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1734144 Resume writing Final.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      2519423 Resume writing.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1511466 RH033 - Red Hat Linux Essentials.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1090720 RH133 - Red Hat Linux System Administration.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1569726 RH253 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Network Services and Security Administration.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM      7815006 SAD Lecture PPT.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      7838373 SAD.rar
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> SAIG
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM        82615 SCHEME_OF_PRACTICAL_STA_Bsc_SNA.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       343189 SEM V QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM      4828473 SEM-I QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       304159 SEM-II QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       220025 SEM-III QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       241816 SEM-IV QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM     35992108 Server.2008.Unleashed..pdf
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      7826794 SMPS.pptx
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM        96309 SNA & VM Exam Time Table.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       186339 SNA Sem I Time Table.pdf
 5/18/2015 11:38 AM      3241146 software_engineering_tutorial.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:24 PM     25436385 SQL Reference Book.rar
 8/24/2016  6:43 PM       377635 Steps_for_conducting_Online_exam.docx
 12/8/2016  4:07 PM     11766675 STP Reference Book.rar
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      2469656 STP_Loadrunner_Handout.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM       730674 STP_Manual_Testing_Guide.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM       414084 STP_QTP_Advanced_Handout.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      1396467 STP_QuickTest_Professional_Version2.pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       473600 structure.ppt
 8/22/2013  5:12 PM     57376644 Student_Handbook_ASP.  Net.pdf
 9/24/2015  3:25 PM       174890 StudentInstructionManualV15.pdf
10/16/2017  6:36 PM       372146 StudentInstructionManualV17.pdf
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> style
 12/1/2015  6:02 PM       489491 SWACH_BHARAT_TAX.pdf
 12/1/2015  5:52 PM        45025 Synopsis_Details.docx
 2/15/2018  3:39 PM    226213058
 5/16/2015 11:53 AM       897249 Tally_Assignment.pdf
 5/16/2015 11:53 AM     11761532 Tally_ERP_ 9_Study_Material.rar
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM       469870 Tally_Notes.pdf
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        13008 test.pdf
11/25/2013  6:16 PM        17841 The other day I was wondering about how to use Pivot tables in SQL Server with SQL.docx
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> TimeTable
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      1303552 UPDATEDBIOS.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM     12984068 VB_NET eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM     29817055 VB_NET Reference Book.rar
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      2935799 virusanti_virus.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM         4818 VM_SNA_Schedule.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        91263 Web_Development.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM      4328508 WiFi_Network.pdf
 8/22/2013  5:43 PM     44197000 Window 2000 Book.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM      2574272 WINDOWS SERVER 2008  SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE.pdf
  4/9/2016 11:36 AM      1650042 WordPress_Reference_ebook.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM       857376 XML.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM       112607 XML.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      2577686 XML_new.rar
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM        25159 XMLNotes.docx
10/21/2016  4:44 PM    609999450 YCMOU BCA SEM - I
11/25/2016  4:00 PM       179459 YCMOU FY BCA Syllabus(New).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM      1015406 YCMOU Q.Bank.rar
11/25/2016  4:25 PM       191556 YCMOU Second & Third Year Syllabus for Academic Year 2016-17.pdf
 8/22/2013  5:13 PM     23772113 YCMOU word XP - OffIce  Tools.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM        10311 ycmou_bca_bis_Books_List.rar
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> YCMOU_Books
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM       369144 YCMOU_COURSEWARE STATUS.rar
 12/6/2016  5:33 PM    111854087 YCMOU_MGA First Year EBooks.rar
 12/6/2016  5:56 PM     40511001 YCMOU_MGA Second Year EBooks.rar
11/24/2015  1:48 PM       504024 YCMOU_SYBCA_NEW_PRN_NO.pdf
11/24/2015  2:36 PM       250032 YCMOU_TYBCA_NEW_PRN_NO.pdf

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