Thursday, July 30, 2020

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  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> .svn
11/21/2014  4:53 PM       602739 1.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     13513771 70-640.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     12795449 70-642.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM     16897724 70-643.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:57 PM      9508785 70-647.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM     31306238 70-680.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM     36690686 Acting for animationThe Animator's Survival Kit - Richard Williams (English).pdf
 3/27/2015  5:53 PM      3029575 Administring_Windows_Server 2012_Exam_Ref_70_411.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:56 PM       542950 Admissionform_2011_2012new.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:58 PM      8584721 adobe after effects.pdf
11/29/2017  8:54 PM      2302827 Adobe Dreamwear.rar
 7/31/2013  4:58 PM      7860226 adobe dreamweaver.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     16768351 adobe flash.pdf
11/29/2017  8:56 PM     31148803 Adobe Flash.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     11281288 adobe illustrator.pdf
11/29/2017  8:59 PM     15233910 Adobe Illustrator.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM     13883608 adobe indesign.pdf
11/29/2017  9:01 PM     37829673 Adobe Indesign.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM     16433518 adobe photoshop.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      8204601 adobe premiere.pdf
  2/9/2016 11:05 AM      7577163 Adobe_Dreamviewer_5.5.rar
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      1144783 Advance Java eBook.pdf
 7/31/2013  4:59 PM      2408328 ADVANCE WINDOWS 2008 NETWORK MANAGEMENT new.pdf
 1/30/2015  4:25 PM     14846048 Advance_Excel.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:03 PM       904351 AdvanceJavaN.pptx
11/25/2016  5:01 PM      9696184 AEC001_FY-BCA_English_Communication.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      5673350 After Effects and Combution.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:16 PM      2568238 Android.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:17 PM     10372735 Android_Application_development_By_Dummies.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:09 PM      1975986 Android_ppt.pptx
 7/20/2015  1:18 PM      1372177 Android_Programming_Basics.pdf
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 7/20/2015  1:19 PM      1617429 Android_Tutorial1.pdf
 7/20/2015  1:19 PM       947724 android_tutorial_Nikhil_Yadav.pdf
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 9/18/2015  5:14 PM      9735062
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 7/31/2013  4:59 PM       168282 B.Sc Complete Syllabus.pdf
 11/9/2017  8:33 PM      3103920 Basic_Assignment.pdf
 4/25/2014  2:56 PM      4066116 BasicPhotography.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM        71515 Books-List.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      1139610 BSc SNA Model Paper.rar
 7/31/2013  5:00 PM      1335738 BSc Visual Media Model Paper.rar
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      1481149 Bugzilla_Final_Version_Updated_Version2.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      2886231 C Programming Reference Book.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM     14444982 C++.rar
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11/30/2017  4:39 PM     14763089 C.rar
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 7/27/2015  4:10 PM      7529993
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      1603630 CLIENT AND SERVER NETWORK.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM       633649 CLIENT SERVER ARCHITECTURE.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      2778300 Cloud Computing Book.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM     58536660 Communication English 2.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM      1033489 COMMUNICATION ENGLISH BCA - 02.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM       242001 Communication Skills.rar
 7/31/2013  5:01 PM        42496 Communication-Skill-Study-skill-Prof.Dev-courses.doc
 7/31/2013  5:02 PM      1010965 COMPUTER GRAPHICS.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM     79095512 Computer Organization and Architecture.6th.Ed.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM     74988147 Computer Organization and Architecture.6th.Ed.rar
 7/31/2013  5:02 PM      2311918 COMPUTER_NETWORKS_AND_INTERNET_12new.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:03 PM      3198052 COMPUTER_PROBLEMS_AND_TROUBLESHOOTING.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:12 PM       626176 ComputerMonitors.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:03 PM      2410402 Concepts_of_Digital_Film_Making.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM     20570412 Configuring_exchange_server_2007 (237-238).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:06 PM     21668051 constitution Q-1 to Q-10.rar
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM     40972231 constitution.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        13008 Copy of test.pdf
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 3/24/2017  6:56 PM      6365446 Cyber Security Manual V1.0.pdf
 12/1/2014  6:09 PM       452714 Cyber_Safety_Essentials.pdf
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 7/31/2013  5:07 PM      1703126 DBMS.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:07 PM      1483565 DEC. 2012 Procedure & Process.rar
 7/31/2013  5:08 PM      8512036 dotNET3.5Assignments.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         1482 DownloadExamtimeTable.aspx
 3/28/2018  2:58 PM         5687 Downloads.aspx
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         3983 DownloadSelection.aspx
11/15/2014  3:29 PM         3642 DownloadsMain.aspx
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12/20/2014  4:00 PM      3425044 Edutalk Ghatkopar  Nov. 2014 light.pdf
12/20/2014  3:28 PM     92092068 Edutalk Ghatkopar  Nov. 2014.pdf
11/29/2014  2:50 PM     33237509 Edutalk Thane Center 6.pdf
 1/12/2015  6:09 PM      3423272 Edutalk_Andheri_volume_7_January_2015_compressed.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM      2607267 Enterprise information and Storage managementt.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM    116627879 Environmental studies.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:09 PM      1831501 Exam sample practice.rar
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 7/31/2013  5:12 PM     19127433 Final copy Networking.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:10 PM      5457920 FINAL_DOCUMENTATION-HST.doc
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11/30/2017  4:43 PM      1258911 FTP.rar
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10/17/2013  1:34 PM        12118 Graphics sample question.docx
 1/25/2014  5:08 PM       256649 Guidelines_for_IT_Seminar_For_Students.pdf
10/17/2013  1:34 PM        13652 hardware sample question.docx
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 5/28/2015 11:02 AM        11820 HUMANITIES_SYLLABUS.docx
 4/29/2015 12:47 PM        11710 Humanities_Syllabus_YCMOU.docx
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM       233668 Humanitites_and_development.rar
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM       233668 Humanitites_and_development_eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:16 PM     34416355 HW Book Updated on 11 April 12.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:11 PM      3196367 ILLUSTRATOR_AU.pdf
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 7/31/2013  5:17 PM     42702146 indesign_cs5_help.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM     76283791 Indian_constitution_And_Ethics.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      4792638 INDUSTRY VISIT Album N.pdf
 3/27/2015  5:54 PM      7895885 Installing_And_Configuring_Windows_Server_2012_Exam_Ref_70_410.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM      1092235 Instructions Exam May 2013.rar
 7/31/2013  5:12 PM       503102 Interview Questions active-directory-And-group-pollicy.pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       717824 INTRO_OF_C.ppt
 4/25/2014  2:50 PM      1318821 Intro_to_Basic_Comp_Fundmt.pdf
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 4/25/2014  2:50 PM       503964 Introduction_to_visual_communication.pdf
 4/24/2014  2:56 PM     52205845 IT Helpdesk.rar
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1545670 java eBook.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM     38083060 Java Reference Book.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM     15555020 JAVA SCRIPT.rar
 11/5/2015  4:11 PM      1645439
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 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1453670 JavaScriptnotesfinal-2 new.pdf
 2/12/2015 11:43 AM      4935434 JQuery.pdf
 11/5/2015  4:03 PM       189845 JQuery.pptx
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> js
10/14/2014 11:44 AM      6050403 kandivali(w)_vol_03_sept_2014 .pdf
 9/12/2014 12:55 PM      8246083 kandivali(w)_vol_03_sept_2014.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:13 PM      1386609 KSOU BCA.rar
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM      3530834 KSOU Bsc(Com IT).rar
 7/31/2013  5:29 PM    141193289 KSOU Computer Fundamental.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM        36352 KSOU practical.xls
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM       193232 ksou prelim exam.pdf
  2/7/2014  6:52 PM       129067 KSOU VM & SNA Exam.pdf
  2/7/2014  7:17 PM        22016 KSOU VM & SNA Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xls
  2/7/2014  7:17 PM        23552 KSOU VM & SNA Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xls
 4/25/2014  2:51 PM      1640716 KSOU_COMMUNICATION_ENGLISH_BCA_VM_SEM_I.pdf
12/25/2014  5:58 PM        13526 Ksou_Exam_Time_Table.xlsx
 1/10/2014  5:20 PM       525509 KSOU_EXAM_TIME_TABLE_JANUARY_2014_centreal_belt_centres.pdf
 1/10/2014  4:36 PM       524068 KSOU_EXAM_TIME_TABLE_JANUARY_2014_Western_Belt_centres.pdf
  8/5/2014  2:59 PM        11423 KSOU_Final_Prac_Exam.xlsx
  2/8/2014  2:39 PM        21504 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xls
  2/8/2014  2:41 PM        21504 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xls
 2/26/2014  3:07 PM        14420 KSOU_VM_&_SNA_Practical_Exam_Time_Table.xlsx
  2/8/2014  4:39 PM        11825 KSOU_VM_SNA Exam_Time_Table_WesternBelt.xlsx
  2/8/2014  4:39 PM        10950 KSOU_VM_SNA_Exam_Time_Table_CentralBelt.xlsx
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM       867966 Lab III- Windows Server 2008 ADS.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:14 PM      1580447 Lab_1_-_Assemble_Desktops_&_Laptop_Maintanence.1.pdf
12/27/2014  4:33 PM     18922258 Lighting_and_Rendering_in_Maya.pdf
 7/23/2016 12:56 PM      6205827 MagentoStudyMaterial.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM       730674 Manual_Testing_Guide.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM      3567187 matchmovertutorials.pdf
 8/22/2013  4:58 PM     29822342 Mathematics for Computers (CMP 250).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:15 PM       980745 Mathematics.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM     19861805 McGraw.Hill.Cisco.Certified.Network.Associate.Study.Guide.Exam.640-802.Apr.2008.eBook-DDU.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     19434611 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unleashed.pdf
  4/6/2015  3:54 PM      8395026 Microsoft_Press_ebook_Introducing_Azure_PDF.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      4585020 Mobile Application Development using .NET Final.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:12 PM      2758144 mother05.ppt
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 5/13/2016  4:54 PM      3694282 Ms_outlook_2010.pdf
  4/8/2015  3:31 PM      7759846 Msoffice_2007.rar
 5/18/2015 11:37 AM      4864267 Network_Security.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      3394257 Networking_in_Diff_OS.pdf
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> Notes
 8/22/2013  5:09 PM     48585694 Office Tools-Microsoft Office Word Document.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1277022 OOPS WITH C++.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM          726 Operating System 3E.rar
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1012978 OPERATING SYSTEM.PDF
 7/31/2013  5:18 PM      1338140 OPERATING_SYSTEM_AND_APPLICATION_SOFTWARE(2) (1).pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       117175 operator.pptx
  1/6/2014  5:04 PM     23207936 Oracle Reference Book.rar
 8/20/2015  4:01 PM       217181 ORACLE.docx
11/16/2015  3:32 PM       725128 P32_BCA_Syllabus_2015.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     12217907 Photoshop.Digital.Matte.Painting.-.Techniques.Tutorials.and.Walk-Throughs.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      9376462 Photoshop.pdf
 8/20/2015  5:18 PM       586454 PHP1.pptx
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM      5962417 PHP_with_MySQL.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      5402351 PLT.rar
11/10/2015  6:07 PM       496643 Practical_Exam_Booking_Process.ppsx
  2/9/2014  3:24 PM        18943 Practical_exam_SNA_ &_ VM_ Feb_ 10_ 2014.xlsx
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM     14996511 Premier_And_Sound_Forge.pdf
11/30/2017  4:10 PM    890065589 Premiere.rar
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       112068 Preprocessor.pptx
10/17/2013  1:30 PM        13251 Prog sample question.docx
 8/22/2013  5:07 PM     40087065 Program Expertise in C (CMP 201) SHB.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM      1458582 PROGRAMMING C.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM        11441 Project Topics.docx
 12/1/2015  5:52 PM        54722 Project_Approval_Proposal_Model.docx
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM        18545 Question Paper For Constitution.docx
 7/31/2013  5:24 PM     38124278 realflow_manual.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:19 PM         7689 Relavant Documents  for ycmou bca_bis_diploma_Admission.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1734144 Resume writing Final.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      2519423 Resume writing.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1511466 RH033 - Red Hat Linux Essentials.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1090720 RH133 - Red Hat Linux System Administration.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM      1569726 RH253 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Network Services and Security Administration.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM      7815006 SAD Lecture PPT.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      7838373 SAD.rar
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> SAIG
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM        82615 SCHEME_OF_PRACTICAL_STA_Bsc_SNA.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       343189 SEM V QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM      4828473 SEM-I QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       304159 SEM-II QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       220025 SEM-III QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       241816 SEM-IV QuickTest.rar
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM     35992108 Server.2008.Unleashed..pdf
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      7826794 SMPS.pptx
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM        96309 SNA & VM Exam Time Table.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:20 PM       186339 SNA Sem I Time Table.pdf
 5/18/2015 11:38 AM      3241146 software_engineering_tutorial.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:24 PM     25436385 SQL Reference Book.rar
 8/24/2016  6:43 PM       377635 Steps_for_conducting_Online_exam.docx
 12/8/2016  4:07 PM     11766675 STP Reference Book.rar
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      2469656 STP_Loadrunner_Handout.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM       730674 STP_Manual_Testing_Guide.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM       414084 STP_QTP_Advanced_Handout.pdf
11/28/2014 12:14 PM      1396467 STP_QuickTest_Professional_Version2.pdf
 11/5/2015  3:46 PM       473600 structure.ppt
 8/22/2013  5:12 PM     57376644 Student_Handbook_ASP.  Net.pdf
 9/24/2015  3:25 PM       174890 StudentInstructionManualV15.pdf
10/16/2017  6:36 PM       372146 StudentInstructionManualV17.pdf
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> style
 12/1/2015  6:02 PM       489491 SWACH_BHARAT_TAX.pdf
 12/1/2015  5:52 PM        45025 Synopsis_Details.docx
 2/15/2018  3:39 PM    226213058
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 5/16/2015 11:53 AM     11761532 Tally_ERP_ 9_Study_Material.rar
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM       469870 Tally_Notes.pdf
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        13008 test.pdf
11/25/2013  6:16 PM        17841 The other day I was wondering about how to use Pivot tables in SQL Server with SQL.docx
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> TimeTable
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      1303552 UPDATEDBIOS.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM     12984068 VB_NET eBook.rar
 7/31/2013  5:25 PM     29817055 VB_NET Reference Book.rar
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM      2935799 virusanti_virus.ppt
 7/31/2013  5:21 PM         4818 VM_SNA_Schedule.rar
11/15/2014  3:29 PM        91263 Web_Development.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM      4328508 WiFi_Network.pdf
 8/22/2013  5:43 PM     44197000 Window 2000 Book.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM      2574272 WINDOWS SERVER 2008  SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE.pdf
  4/9/2016 11:36 AM      1650042 WordPress_Reference_ebook.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM       857376 XML.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:22 PM       112607 XML.rar
11/30/2017  4:43 PM      2577686 XML_new.rar
 8/20/2015  4:04 PM        25159 XMLNotes.docx
10/21/2016  4:44 PM    609999450 YCMOU BCA SEM - I
11/25/2016  4:00 PM       179459 YCMOU FY BCA Syllabus(New).pdf
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM      1015406 YCMOU Q.Bank.rar
11/25/2016  4:25 PM       191556 YCMOU Second & Third Year Syllabus for Academic Year 2016-17.pdf
 8/22/2013  5:13 PM     23772113 YCMOU word XP - OffIce  Tools.pdf
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM        10311 ycmou_bca_bis_Books_List.rar
  1/4/2018 10:05 PM        <dir> YCMOU_Books
 7/31/2013  5:23 PM       369144 YCMOU_COURSEWARE STATUS.rar
 12/6/2016  5:33 PM    111854087 YCMOU_MGA First Year EBooks.rar
 12/6/2016  5:56 PM     40511001 YCMOU_MGA Second Year EBooks.rar
11/24/2015  1:48 PM       504024 YCMOU_SYBCA_NEW_PRN_NO.pdf
11/24/2015  2:36 PM       250032 YCMOU_TYBCA_NEW_PRN_NO.pdf

Friday, June 5, 2020

This is a practice quiz.

Quiz on Chapter One Created 12/12/98; revised 02/19/00

on Computer Systems

This is a practice quiz. The results are not recorded anywhere and do not affect your grade. The questions on this quiz might not appear in any quiz or test that does count toward your grade.
Instructions: For each question, choose the single best answer. Make your choice by clicking on its button. You can change your answers at any time. When the quiz is graded, the correct answers will appear in the box after each question.

1. What is the difference between hardware and software?
a.    Hardware is tangible, but software is intangible.
b.    Hardware is metal, software is plastic.
c.    Hardware is permanent, software is temporary.
d.    Hardware is reliable, software is unreliable.

2. What hardware components (of a typical desktop computer) are usually found inside of the systems unit?
a.    The processor, main memory, and monitor.
b.    The processor, main memory, and secondary memory
c.    First, second, and third memory.
d.    The keyboard, the disks, and the audio blaster.

3. Which component is the "brains" of a computer system?
a.    The main memory.
b.    The secondary memory.
c.    The processor chip.
d.    The power supply.

4. Which type of memory is most closely connected to the processor?
a.    Main memory.
b.    Secondary memory.
c.    Disk memory.
d.    Tape memory.

5. Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?
a.    Main memory
b.    Secondary memory
c.    Disk memory
d.    Program memory

6. What is an embedded system?
a.    A program that comes shink-wrapped in a box.
b.    A program that is permanently part of a computer.
c.    A computer that is part of a larger computer.
d.    A computer and software system that controls a machine or appliance.

7. How is it possible that both programs and data can be stored on the same floppy disk?
a.    A floppy disk has two sides, one for data and one for programs.
b.    Programs and data are both software, and both can be stored on any memory device.
c.    A floppy disk has to be formatted for one or for the other.
d.    Floppy disks can only store data, not programs.

8. What are the two general types of programs?
a.    Entertainment and Productivity.
b.    Wordprocessors and Databases.
c.    Microsoft and IBM.
d.    System software and Application software.

9. What is an operating system?
a.    The part of the hardware that operates input and output devices.
b.    The part of the hardware that operates the mouse and the windows on the monitor.
c.    Systems software that coordinates the hardware and software components of a computer system.
d.    A section of software that must be part of every program.

10. What is a computer network?
a.    Two or more computers connected together to exchange data and programs.
b.    A computer that can run many programs from its hard disk.
c.    A group of computers that share the same power supply.
d.    A computer that is used by many different human users.

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Click here (If you have just returned here from another page, or have re-loaded this page, you will need to click again on each of your choices for the grading program to work correctly. You may want to press the "shift key" while clicking on reload to clear the old answers.)

Introduction to Computer Science using Java

Introduction to Computer Science using Java

Revised and Expanded, July 2003

Bradley Kjell, Central Connecticut State University

This is a first course in Computer Science using the programming language Java. It covers the fundamentals of programming and of computer science.
For maximum benefit, go though these notes interactively, thinking about and answering the question at the bottom of each page. There are about 15 pages per chapter. If you spend about 3 minutes per page each chapter will take about 45 minutes; much more, if you copy and run some of the programs. If you are a beginning programmer, plan on spending more than a month with this.
These notes assume that you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.3 or later from Sun ( and a text editor such as NotePad. They may be used with more sophisticated environments, as well. For more about these notes check the frequently asked questions.
Best viewed at 800 x 600

Part 1: Hardware and Software

General computer science topics. Hardware and software. Analog and binary signals. Machine language and high level languages. Language translation and interpretation.
 Chapter 1Introduction to Computer SystemsQuizFlash Cards.
 Chapter 2Analog and Binary SignalsQuizFlash Cards.
 Chapter 3Computer MemoryQuizFlash Cards.
 Chapter 4The ProcessorQuizFlash Cards.

Part 2: Running Java Programs

How to run Java programs. Translating Java source code into bytecodes. How bytecodes are interpreted. How to create a Java program.
 Chapter 5Introduction to JavaReview. 
 Chapter 6Small Java ProgramsReview. 
 Chapter 7How to Run the Example ProgramsReview. 

Part 3: Java Programming

How to program in Java.
 Chapter 8Primitive Data TypesQuizProgramming Exercises
    Flash Cards
 Chapter 9AVariables and the Assignment StatementQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 9BExpressions and Arithmetic OperatorsQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 10Input and OutputReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 11Floating Point InputReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 12The if StatementQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 13The Single Branch if StatementQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 14Boolean ExpressionsReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 15Loops and the while statementReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 16Counting LoopsQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 17Examples of Counting LoopsReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 18Sentinel-controlled LoopsReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 19Result-controlled LoopsQuizProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 20Example Program -- Combination LockReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 21File Input and OutputReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 22Reading Data from a FileReviewProgramming Exercises 
 Chapter 23File Input Techniques Programming Exercises 

Part 4: Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented programming. Software objects.
 Chapter 25 ObjectsQuiz 
 Chapter 26Object ReferencesQuiz 
 Chapter 27More about Objects and ClassesReview 
 Chapter 28Method ParametersReview 
 Chapter 29Strings and Object ReferencesQuizProgramming Exercises
 Chapter 30Defining your own ClassesReview    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 31Class Design Example (miles per gallon)ReviewProgramming Exercises
 Chapter 32Class Design Example (checking account)Review 
 Chapter 33Encapsulation and Visibility ModifiersQuizProgramming Exercises
 Chapter 34AParameters, Overloading, Local VariablesReview 
 Chapter 34BObject ParametersQuiz 
 Chapter 35Objects that Contain ObjectsReviewProgramming Exercises

Part 5: Applets and Graphics

 Chapter 36 AppletsQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 37 Applet ExamplesQuizProgramming Exercises
 Chapter 38 More Applet ExamplesQuizProgramming Exercises

Part 6: More Java Programming Features

Incrementing and decrementing variables. Convenient ways to create loops.
 Chapter 39 Increment, Decrement, and Assignment OperatorsQuiz     
 Chapter 40 Boolean Expressions and Short-circuit OperatorsReview     
 Chapter 41 The for StatementQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 42 More about the for StatementQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 43 The Conditional Operator, and the switch StatementQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 44 The do StatementQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 46 Introduction to ArraysQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 47 Common Array AlgorithmsQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 48 Arrays as ParametersReview     
 Chapter 49A Methods that Change ArraysQuiz     
 Chapter 49B Arrays of Objects and Linear SearchQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 49C Two-dimensional ArraysQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 49D StringBuffers and StringTokenizersQuiz    Programming Exercises

Part 7: Advanced Object Oriented Programming

Advanced features of object oriented programming.
 Chapter 50 Introduction to InheritanceQuiz     
 Chapter 51 Abstract Classes and PolymorphismQuiz     
 Chapter 52 More about PolymorphismQuiz     
 Chapter 53 InterfacesQuiz     
 Chapter 54 Vectors and EnumerationsQuiz     

Part 8: Graphical User Interface Programming

Graphical user interfaces. Project Swing and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
 Chapter 55 Introduction to GUI ProgrammingQuiz     
 Chapter 56 Swing FramesQuiz     
 Chapter 57 Event ListenersQuiz     
 Chapter 58 Adding Buttons to a FrameQuizProgramming Exercises
 Chapter 59Buttons and Action EventsQuiz    Programming Exercises    
 Chapter 60 Swing Text Fields and LabelsQuiz    Programming Exercises    
 Chapter 61 Components LayoutQuiz    Programming Exercises    
 Chapter 62 JPanel and BoxLayout  
 Chapter 63 Radio Buttons and BorderLayout Programming Exercises    
 Chapter 64 Sliders and Change Events Programming Exercises    

Part 9: Recursion

Recursion in problems, recursion in Java, recursion in graphics.
 Chapter 70 Introduction to RecursionQuiz     
 Chapter 71 Recursion in JavaQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 72 Examples of RecursionQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 73 More RecursionQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 74 Recursion with Graphics   Programming Exercises

Part 10: Exceptions and IO Streams

Exceptions. Disk file input and output.
 Chapter 80 Exceptions and ErrorsQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 81 More about ExceptionsQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 82 Input and Output StreamsQuiz       
 Chapter 83 Writing Text FilesQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 84 Reading Text FilesQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 85 Writing Binary FilesQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 86 Reading Binary FilesQuiz    Programming Exercises
 Chapter 87 The File ClassQuiz    Programming Exercises

