Friday, January 17, 2020



Index of /

CloudStack/                                        04-Oct-2017 23:50       -
LPI/                                               04-Oct-2017 23:50       -
Others/                                            18-Dec-2019 03:42       -
distribution/                                      04-Nov-2018 17:24       -
dsp/                                               05-Oct-2017 03:41       -
electronics/                                       01-Apr-2019 00:15       -
network/                                           02-Nov-2019 11:04       -
operating system /                                 21-Sep-2019 02:04       -
programmation/                                     15-Dec-2019 10:52       -
science/                                           05-Oct-2017 20:23       -
security/                                          02-Jan-2020 23:15       -
Alfred V. Aho - Data Structures and Algorithms.pdf 07-Jul-2016 13:30      7M
Computer Organisation & Fundementals.pdf           07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Embedded Hardware.pdf                              07-Jul-2016 12:58     10M
Halte Aux Hackeurs - Stuart McClure - Eyrolles ..> 16-Dec-2015 06:59    734K
Operatin System Internals and Design Principles..> 07-Jul-2016 13:30     14M
Operating System Concepts.pdf                      07-Jul-2016 13:32     41M
config-fail2ban.tar.gz                             07-Jul-2016 12:58     43K
csbu.pdf                                           01-Jan-2017 12:20    996K
find.txt                                           18-Dec-2019 04:01      8M
readme.txt                                         14-Mar-2017 18:28    1416
rtfm-red-team-field-manual.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 13:23      3M
tree.txt                                           18-Dec-2019 04:01      7M

iOS/ Xcode

Index of /programmation/Objective-C - Cocoa - OS X - Xcode/

Advanced Mac OS X Programming - Dalrymple - Big..> 05-Oct-2017 07:05       -
Mastering Xcode 4 Develop and Design - Nozzi - ..> 05-Oct-2017 07:05       -
Objective-C Programming - Hillegass - Big Nerd ..> 05-Oct-2017 07:05       -
Cocoa Developer Reference - Wentk - Wiley (2010..> 07-Dec-2014 20:44     37M
Objective-C Fundamentals - Fairbairn, Fahrenkru..> 07-Dec-2014 20:40     14M
Xcode 4 Developer Reference - Wentk - Wiley (20..> 07-Dec-2014 20:44     74M
iPhone Programming - Conway, Hillegass - Big Ne..> 07-Dec-2014 20:40     17M

C programming

Index of /programmation/C/

21st Century C [Klemens 2012-11-05].pdf            08-May-2016 00:54      7M
21st Century C.pdf                                 07-Jul-2016 13:43      5M
Applied Cryptography_ Protocols, Algorithms, an..> 08-May-2016 00:31      3M
Art of Programming Contest_ C Programming, Data..> 08-May-2016 01:05      2M
Beginning C (5th ed.) [Horton 2013-02-26].pdf      08-May-2016 00:53      5M
Beginning C From Novice to Professional (4th.ed..> 08-May-2016 01:00     13M
Beginning C for Arduino_ Learn C Programming fo..> 08-May-2016 00:53     28M
Beginning Programming with C for Dummies [Gooki..> 08-May-2016 00:43     42M
C   L'essentiel du code et des commandes.pdf       07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
C & Data Structures [Deshpande & Kakde 2004-01-..> 08-May-2016 01:00      8M
C For Engineers and Scientists_ An Introduction..> 08-May-2016 00:21     27M
C Pocket Reference.chm                             07-Dec-2014 20:27    206K
C Pocket Reference_ C Syntax and Fundamentals [..> 08-May-2016 00:35    285K
C Programming [Lee 2008].pdf                       08-May-2016 01:03      2M
C Programming for Embedded Systems [Zurell 2000..> 08-May-2016 01:02    657K
C Programming for Microcontrollers [Pardue 2005..> 08-May-2016 00:40      4M
C Programming for Scientists and Engineers [Woo..> 08-May-2016 01:02      9M
C Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2nd ed..> 08-May-2016 01:01     14M
C Programming in Linux (2nd ed.) [Hasknis 2013]..> 08-May-2016 01:04      5M
C Programming in Linux [Haskins 2009].pdf          08-May-2016 01:04      2M
C Programming_ A Beginner's Course [Kalicharan ..> 08-May-2016 00:54      1M
C Programming_ A Modern Approach (2nd ed.) [Kin..> 08-May-2016 00:30    102M
C Programming_ An Advanced Course [Kalicharan 2..> 08-May-2016 00:54    892K
C Programming_ Just the FAQs [Chisholm, Hanley,..> 08-May-2016 00:36      2M
C Puzzle Book.pdf                                  07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
C and the 8051 (3rd ed.) [Schultz 2004-06-08].pdf  08-May-2016 01:00     13M
C by Dissection (4th ed.) [Kelley & Pohl 2000-1..> 08-May-2016 01:06     53M
C for Dummies (2nd ed.) [Gookin 2004-05-07].pdf    08-May-2016 00:39      8M
C for Dummies, 2nd Edition.pdf                     07-Dec-2014 20:39      8M
C for the Microprocessor Engineer [Cahill 1994-..> 08-May-2016 00:09      8M
C in Depth (2nd ed.) [Srivastava 2009-06-30].pdf   08-May-2016 01:03     24M
C in a Nutshell [Prinz & Crawford 2005-12-26].pdf  08-May-2016 00:36     26M
C++.Ref.card.pdf                                   07-Jul-2016 13:43     77K
C_ An Advanced Introduction [Gehani 1985].pdf      08-May-2016 00:40     10M
C_ The Complete Reference (4th ed.) [Schildt 20..> 08-May-2016 00:06      6M
C_ The Complete Reference (4th ed.) [Schildt 20..> 08-May-2016 00:06      6M
C_plus_plus.pdf                                    07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
CbyExample.chm                                     07-Dec-2014 20:25    865K
Computational Geometry in C (2nd ed.) [O'Rourke..> 08-May-2016 00:34     16M
Cours de C C++.pdf                                 07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
CplusplusConcurrencyInAction_PracticalMultithre..> 14-May-2016 18:31      6M
DSP Applications using C and the TMS320C6x DSK ..> 08-May-2016 00:31      5M
Essentiel du C.pdf                                 07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Exercices en C  .pdf                               07-Jul-2016 13:43     15M
Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets.pdf          10-Apr-2016 16:43      2M
Expert C Programming.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Expert C Programming_ Deep C Secrets [van der L..> 08-May-2016 00:09      2M
Exploring C for Microcontrollers_ A Hands on Ap..> 08-May-2016 01:05      4M
For Dummies - C.pdf                                07-Dec-2014 20:41      8M
Functional C [Hartel & Muller 1997-06-04].pdf      08-May-2016 00:15      3M
GCC_ The Complete Reference [Griffith 2002-09-1..> 08-May-2016 00:06      6M
GestionTemps2ppf.pdf                               07-Jul-2016 13:43    115K
Head First C [Griffiths & Griffiths 2012-04-22]..> 08-May-2016 00:58     53M
ISO_IEC 9899_1999.pdf                              07-Dec-2014 20:27      3M
Illustrating C (rev. ed.) [Alcock 1994-07-29].pdf  08-May-2016 00:33      8M
Image Processing in C (2nd ed.) [Phillips 1994-..> 08-May-2016 00:06      9M
Initiation au langage C.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43    137K
Introduction a C++ 1.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43    119K
Introduction a C++ 3.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43    273K
Introduction a C++ 4.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43     78K
Introduction a C++ 5.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43     85K
Introduction a C++ Builder.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 13:43    719K
Introduction au C++ (3).pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43    273K
Introduction au C++ (4).pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43     78K
Introduction au C++ (5).pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43     85K
Introduction au C++ 2.pdf                          07-Jul-2016 13:43    103K
Introduction au C++ complements.pdf                07-Jul-2016 13:43    103K
Introduction au C++.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43     91K
Introduction au c++.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43    119K
Introduction to Computational Modeling using C ..> 08-May-2016 00:58      8M
Introduction to Embedded Systems_ Using ANSI C ..> 08-May-2016 01:01      2M
Introduction to Parallel Computing_ A Practical..> 08-May-2016 00:13      1M
LE C++ POUR LES PROS.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43    162K
LE C++ POUR LES PROS_1999.pdf                      07-Jul-2016 13:43    162K
Langage C  L essentiel.pdf                         07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Langage C Essentiel.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Langage C.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43    698K
Langage C: exercices et corriges.pdf               07-Jul-2016 13:43    377K
Le c++ pour les pros.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43    162K
Learn C on the Mac (2nd ed.) [Mark & Bucanek 20..> 08-May-2016 00:52      9M
Learn C on the Mac [Mark 2009-04-28].pdf           08-May-2016 00:51      3M
Les bases de la programmation en C.pdf             20-Oct-2010 14:01    137K
Let Us C (5th ed.) [Kanetkar 2004-11-30].pdf       08-May-2016 01:03      7M
Mastering Algorithms with C [Loudon 1999-08-15]..> 08-May-2016 00:59      5M
Memory Management in C.pdf                         07-Jul-2016 13:43    415K
Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051 [Ibr..> 08-May-2016 00:37    973K
Mieux Programmer en C  .pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43    888K
Modern Compiler Implementation in C [Appel 1997..> 08-May-2016 00:33      2M
Network Programming in C.pdf                       07-Jul-2016 13:43    274K
Numerical Linear Aproximation in C [Abdelmalek ..> 08-May-2016 01:00      4M
Numerical Recipes in C_ The Art of Scientific C..> 08-May-2016 00:33     22M
O Reilly - C++ in a Nutshell.pdf                   07-Jul-2016 13:43      6M
O Reilly - Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43      6M
O Reilly - The C Programming Language.pdf          07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Object Oriented Programming with ANSI-C [Schrei..> 08-May-2016 00:41      1M
PICmicro MCU C_ An Introduction to Programming ..> 08-May-2016 00:40      2M
POO_C++_Initialisation des attributs.pdf           07-Jul-2016 13:43     61K
Penser en C   - Bruce Eckel (Traduction) 2008.pdf  28-Nov-2015 23:52      2M
Pointers in C_ A Hands-On Approach [Toppo & Dew..> 08-May-2016 00:53      4M
Poo C++ 2.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43     74K
Poo C++ 3.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43     96K
Poo C++.pdf                                        07-Jul-2016 13:43     82K
Practical C Programming (3rd ed.) [Oualline 199..> 08-May-2016 00:59      6M
Practical C Programming_3rd_Ed.pdf                 07-Jul-2016 13:43      6M
Professional CUDA C Programming [Cheng, Grossma..> 08-May-2016 00:44     51M
Programmation Orientee Objet (en C++) 3.pdf        07-Jul-2016 13:43     74K
Programmation Orientee Objet (en C++) 4.pdf        07-Jul-2016 13:43     96K
Programmation Orientee Objet (en C++) Initialis..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43     61K
Programmation Orientee Objet (en C++).pdf          07-Jul-2016 13:43     82K
Programmation Système en C sous Linux - Christr..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Programmation systeme en C sous Linux.pdf          07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Programmer en langage C++.pdf                      07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
Programmer_En_Langage_C  _Delannoy_.pdf            07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
Programming 16-bit Microcontrollers in C_ Learn..> 08-May-2016 00:37      6M
Programming 32-bit Microcontrollers in C [Di Ja..> 08-May-2016 00:38      5M
Programming 8-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C wit..> 08-May-2016 00:39      4M
Programming Microcontrollers in C (2nd ed.) [Si..> 08-May-2016 01:02      7M
Programming Microcontrollers in C (2nd ed.) [Si..> 08-May-2016 01:02      7M
Programming in C - Stephen G.Cochan.pdf            07-Jul-2016 13:43      5M
Programming in C_ A Complete Introduction to th..> 08-May-2016 00:37      5M
Programming with C (2nd ed.) [Gottfried 1996-06..> 08-May-2016 00:04     12M
Qt4 et C   Programmation d interfaces GUI.pdf      07-Jul-2016 13:43      8M
Simulating Ecological and Evolutionary Systems ..> 08-May-2016 00:34      9M
TCP IP Sockets in C, Second Edition Practical G..> 07-Dec-2014 20:27      1M
TCP IP Sockets in C.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
TCP_IP Sockets in C_ Practical Guide for Progra..> 08-May-2016 00:06      1M
TCP_IP Sockets in C_ Practical Guide for Progra..> 08-May-2016 00:58      6M
Teach Yourself C in 21 Days (6th ed.) [Jones & ..> 08-May-2016 00:36      4M
Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours (2nd ed.) [Zhang 2..> 08-May-2016 00:36      3M
Test-Driven Development for Embedded C [Grennin..> 08-May-2016 01:02      7M
Understanding and Using C Pointers [Reese 2013-..> 08-May-2016 00:55      7M
Une courte introduction a C++.pdf                  07-Jul-2016 13:43     91K
Value-Range Analysis of C Programs_ Towards Pro..> 08-May-2016 01:02      3M
XXXX_system_programming_C.pdf                      09-Jan-2016 10:36    383K
async_prog_cxx11_qtdd13.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43    358K
binaire2ppf.pdf                                    07-Jul-2016 13:43    148K
cours_C.pdf                                        07-Jul-2016 13:43    680K
cours_cpp.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
crda-edit.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43     73K
effectcppemb.pdf                                   14-May-2016 18:42      5M
packetC Programming [Jungck, Duncan & Mulcahy 2..> 08-May-2016 00:51     16M
qt5_cadaques.pdf                                   07-Jul-2016 13:43      7M


Index of /programmation/C++/

cours-complet/                                     05-Oct-2017 06:30       -
AW - Effective STL.pdf                             07-Dec-2014 20:25      2M
An Overview of C++.ppt                             09-Apr-2016 09:48    667K
Arrays in Python & C++.ppt                         09-Apr-2016 09:48    433K
Basic Elements of C++.ppt                          09-Apr-2016 09:48    604K
Basic Object-Oriented concepts.ppt                 09-Apr-2016 09:48    203K
C++ Arrays_Chapter 07.ppt                          09-Apr-2016 09:48    256K
C++ Basic programming elements and concepts.ppt    09-Apr-2016 09:48    190K
C++ Basics Review_Chapter1.ppt                     09-Apr-2016 09:48    471K
C++ Complete Reference (3rd Ed.).pdf               07-Dec-2014 20:42      9M
C++ Container Classes_chapter03.ppt                09-Apr-2016 09:48    692K
C++ Data Structures.ppt                            09-Apr-2016 09:48      2M
C++ Files and Streams.ppt                          09-Apr-2016 09:48    143K
C++ Functions.ppt                                  09-Apr-2016 09:48      1M
C++ Fundamentals.ppt                               09-Apr-2016 09:48    194K
C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition- Source 07-Dec-2014 20:25    691K
C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition.chm              07-Dec-2014 20:42     10M
C++ Inheritance2.ppt                               09-Apr-2016 09:48     85K
C++ Introduction & Data Types.ppt                  09-Apr-2016 09:48    615K
C++ Network Programming Volume 2.chm               07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
C++ Review Templates typenames.ppt                 09-Apr-2016 09:48    364K
C++ STL standard template librairy.ppt             09-Apr-2016 09:48    568K
C++ Searching and Sorting Arrays_Chapter 8.ppt     09-Apr-2016 09:48    137K
C++ Standard Template Library.ppt                  09-Apr-2016 09:48    555K
C++ Strings.ppt                                    09-Apr-2016 09:48    500K
C++ Structures.ppt                                 09-Apr-2016 09:48    973K
C++ Template Exception Handling.ppt                09-Apr-2016 09:48    135K
C++ Timesaving Techniques for Dummies (2005).pdf   07-Dec-2014 20:35      8M
C++ Tutorial - MIT.ppt                             09-Apr-2016 09:48    241K
C++ Unleashed (UML).pdf                            07-Dec-2014 20:26      4M
C++ for Computational Finance.ppt                  09-Apr-2016 09:48     78K
C++ for Dummies 5th Edition.pdf                    07-Dec-2014 20:38      8M
C++ for Java Programmers - Oregon State Univers..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48    134K
C++ inheritance - Gordon College.ppt               09-Apr-2016 09:48    237K
C++ program structure and development environme..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48    136K
C++-Graphs_Chapter20.ppt                           09-Apr-2016 09:48      5M                                07-Dec-2014 20:43      8M
C++_intro.pptx                                     09-Apr-2016 09:48    442K                                     07-Dec-2014 20:24    696K                                   07-Dec-2014 20:26    245K                                      07-Dec-2014 20:38      8M                                      07-Dec-2014 20:25      3M
C-C++ Compiling - MCSR.ppt                         09-Apr-2016 09:48     73K
C___Programming_with_CORBA.pdf                     07-Dec-2014 20:25      1M
Design Patterns Introduction and Examples in C+..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48      3M
Effective C++.ppt                                  09-Apr-2016 09:48    210K
Evolution of Programming Languages and History ..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48      1M
For Dummies - C++ Timesaving Techniques.pdf        07-Dec-2014 20:44      8M
For Dummies - C++.pdf                              07-Dec-2014 20:38      8M
Formation_C++.ppt                                  09-Apr-2016 09:48    149K
Functions parameter passing mechanisms.ppt         09-Apr-2016 09:48      1M
Garbage Collection & Memory Management Under C+..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48     72K
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, C++ Ver..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23    757K
Inheritance in C++.ppt                             09-Apr-2016 09:48    840K
InsideCOM.pdf                                      07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
Integration C++ - Excel.ppt                        09-Apr-2016 09:48    765K
IntroC++.ppt                                       09-Apr-2016 09:48      1M
IntroToCPlusPlus.ppt                               09-Apr-2016 09:48      2M
Introduction to C++ Data Abstraction w Classes.ppt 09-Apr-2016 09:48    222K
Introduction to C++ STL.ppt                        09-Apr-2016 09:48    403K
Introduction to C++-Chapter01.PPT                  09-Apr-2016 09:48     35K
Introduction to C++_chapter01.ppt                  09-Apr-2016 09:48     35K
Introduction to Computers and C++ Programmation..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48    240K
Java & C++ - BCS.ppt                               09-Apr-2016 09:48    582K
JavaForC++Programmers.ppt                          09-Apr-2016 09:48    316K
Langage C++.pdf                                    09-Apr-2016 09:48     58K
MS Press - Visual C Sharp .NET--Core Reference ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:26      5M
MatLab API to C++.ppt                              09-Apr-2016 09:48    239K            07-Dec-2014 20:43      6M
No Starch Press - How Not to Program in C++.chm    07-Dec-2014 20:22    796K
Object Oriented Program Construction in C++.ppt    09-Apr-2016 09:48    117K
Object-Oriented Languages Java vs C++.ppt          09-Apr-2016 09:48     97K
Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition..> 07-Dec-2014 20:26      3M
Object-Oriented Programming with C++.ppt           09-Apr-2016 09:48     76K
Object-Oriented-Programming-part-1.ppt             09-Apr-2016 09:48    870K               07-Dec-2014 20:20    410K
Secure Coding in C and C++.ppt                     09-Apr-2016 09:48    160K
Starting Out with C++_Chapter10.ppt                09-Apr-2016 09:48    482K
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days-2nd      07-Dec-2014 20:20    441K
Teach Yourself                             07-Dec-2014 20:20    461K
Teach Yourself Visual C In 12 Easy     07-Dec-2014 20:20    382K
Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 22 days (792 pag..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30      7M
Testing_Series_60_App.pdf                          07-Dec-2014 20:25     85K
The C Programming Language_Chapter 27 .ppt         09-Apr-2016 09:48      1M
Thinking In C++ - 2nd Ed. - Vol 1.pdf              07-Dec-2014 20:25      3M
Thinking in C++ Second Edition vol 2.pdf           07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Transition from C++ to Java.ppt                    09-Apr-2016 09:48     87K
Tutorial C++.pdf                                   07-Dec-2014 20:26      1M
Visual C                                    07-Dec-2014 20:26    378K
Visual C++ .NET Developer`s Guide.pdf              07-Dec-2014 20:43      9M
Visual C++ 4                         07-Dec-2014 20:26    527K
Visual C++ in 12 Easy                  07-Dec-2014 20:20    398K
VisualC++Tutorial.ppt                              09-Apr-2016 09:49    812K
Windows NT-Borland C++ IDE_recursion.ppt           09-Apr-2016 09:49    146K
Windows Programming.ppt                            09-Apr-2016 09:49    156K
c++ Operator Overloading.ppt                       09-Apr-2016 09:48    490K
c++-crash-course-tutorial-part1.ppt                09-Apr-2016 09:48    304K
c++_part1.ppt                                      09-Apr-2016 09:48    145K
c++_tutorial.ppt                                   09-Apr-2016 09:48    281K
c++_vs_java.ppt                                    09-Apr-2016 09:48    204K
c++basics.ppt                                      09-Apr-2016 09:48     54K
cplusplus-language.ppt                             09-Apr-2016 09:48    505K
cplusplus.ppt                                      09-Apr-2016 09:48    348K
cplusplusReview.ppt                                09-Apr-2016 09:48    825K
cppavance.pdf                                      03-Feb-2009 20:31    159K
database_developer's_guide_with_visual_c++_4_-_..> 07-Dec-2014 20:25    576K
intro_CPlusPplus.ppt                               09-Apr-2016 09:48      3M
intro_cpp_1.pdf                                    03-Feb-2009 20:31    119K
intro_cpp_3.pdf                                    03-Feb-2009 20:31    273K
intro_cpp_4.pdf                                    03-Feb-2009 20:31     78K
intro_cpp_5.pdf                                    03-Feb-2009 20:31     85K
intro_cpp_complement.pdf                           03-Feb-2009 20:31    103K
la_programmation_en_cplusplus_les_tableaux.htm     03-Feb-2009 20:31     35K
memory optimization - Real-Time Collision Detec..> 09-Apr-2016 09:48    827K
poo_cpp.pdf                                        03-Feb-2009 20:31     82K
poo_cpp2.pdf                                       03-Feb-2009 20:31     61K
poo_cpp3.pdf                                       03-Feb-2009 20:31     74K
poo_cpp4.pdf                                       03-Feb-2009 20:31     96K
static-and-dynamic-polymorphism-in-c++.ppt         09-Apr-2016 09:48    170K
using Visual C++ and Pelles C.ppt                  09-Apr-2016 09:48      2M
visual c++ for dummies.pdf                         07-Dec-2014 20:43     11M
what is c++.ppt                                    09-Apr-2016 09:49      2M


Index of /programmation/python/

Reference/                                         05-Oct-2017 07:18       -
cours_python/                                      05-Oct-2017 07:07       -
2004 Dive Into Python Apress.pdf                   07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
A Byte of Python, v1.20 (for Python 2.x) (2005)..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23    337K
A Byte of Python, v1.92 (for Python 3.0) (2009)..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23    609K
A Functional Start to Computing with Python [He..> 10-May-2016 00:07      4M
A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Pyth..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30     17M
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ..> 10-May-2016 00:34      5M
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ..> 10-May-2016 00:34      5M
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ..> 10-May-2016 00:34      7M
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ..> 10-May-2016 00:34      6M
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python,..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      5M
Advanced Python Programming.pdf                    07-Jul-2016 13:43    194K
Apprendre a programme avec Python.pdf              07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Apprendre a programmer avec Python 1 - Swinnen.pdf 07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Apprendre a programmer avec Python 2 - Swinnen.pdf 07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
Apprendre a programmer avec Python.pdf             07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Apprendre a programmer avec python.pdf             07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Apprendre a programmer en Python.pdf               07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
Apress - Python Algorithms Mastering Basic Algo..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      5M
Apress.Foundations.of.Python.3.Network.Programm..> 07-Dec-2014 20:29      5M
Apress.Pro.Python.Jun.2010.eBook-ELOHiM.pdf        07-Dec-2014 20:22      3M
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pyga..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30      8M
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pyga..> 10-May-2016 00:12      9M
Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies [..> 09-May-2016 23:47     10M
Beginning Python (2005).pdf                        07-Dec-2014 20:30     17M
Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:29     13M
Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional,..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      3M
Beginning Python - Using Python 2.6 and Python ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visua..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
Beginning Python Visualization_ Crafting Visual..> 09-May-2016 23:49      2M
Beginning Python Visualization_ Creating Visual..> 10-May-2016 00:08      7M
Beginning Python [Norton, Samuel, Aitel, Foster..> 09-May-2016 23:41      8M
Beginning Python.pdf                               07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
Beginning Python_ From Novice to Professional (..> 10-May-2016 00:14      4M
Beginning Python_ From Novice to Professional [..> 10-May-2016 00:11     13M
Beginning Python_ Using Python 2.6 and Python 3..> 09-May-2016 23:23      4M
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python, First ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
Bioinformatics Programming using Python_ Practi..> 09-May-2016 23:30      5M
Black Hat Python_ Python Programming for Hacker..> 10-May-2016 00:16      5M
ChiffrementEnPython.pdf                            25-Aug-2016 13:22     91K
Coding Club Level 3_ Python_ Building Big Apps ..> 09-May-2016 23:42      4M
Computer Programming - Python - Programming Lan..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22    391K
Core Python Applications Programming (3rd ed.) ..> 09-May-2016 23:17      9M
Core Python Programming (2nd ed.) [Chun 2006-09..> 09-May-2016 23:16      6M
Core Python Programming 2nd Ed.           07-Dec-2014 20:23      5M
Core Python Programming [Chun 2000-12-15].pdf      09-May-2016 23:14      7M
Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).chm 07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Core Python Programming, Second Edition (2006).pdf 07-Dec-2014 20:30     12M
Core Python Programming.pdf                        07-Dec-2014 20:28      7M
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python [Goodr..> 09-May-2016 23:42      7M
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Orie..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      3M
Dive Into Python 3 (2011).pdf                      07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Dive Into Python 3, r870 (2010).pdf                07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Dive into Python 3 [Pilgrim 2009].pdf              09-May-2016 23:50      2M
EN-Advanced_Python_programming.pdf                 29-Dec-2010 18:18    194K
Exploring Python (2009).pdf                        07-Dec-2014 20:28      6M
Exploring Python [Budd 2009-02-17].pdf             09-May-2016 23:13      6M
Financial Modelling in Python (2009).pdf           07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
Financial Modelling in Python [Fletcher & Gardn..> 09-May-2016 23:26      4M
Flask Web Development_ Developing Web Applicati..> 10-May-2016 00:05      8M
Foundations of Agile Python Development (2008).pdf 07-Dec-2014 20:23      7M
Foundations of Agile Python Development [Younke..> 10-May-2016 00:13      7M
Foundations of Python Network Programming (2nd ..> 09-May-2016 23:52      5M
Foundations of Python Network Programming (3rd ..> 09-May-2016 23:53      4M
Foundations of Python Network Programming, Seco..> 07-Dec-2014 20:24      3M
Foundations of Python Network Programming.djvu     07-Dec-2014 20:24      3M
Fundamentals of Python_ From First Programs thr..> 09-May-2016 23:48     11M
GUI Programming with Python - QT Edition (2002)..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30     16M
Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (20..> 07-Dec-2014 20:21      2M
Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby (20..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Game.Programming.with.Python.Lua.And.Ruby.eBook..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30     22M
Gray Hat Python - Python Programming for Hacker..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      3M
Gray Hat Python_ Python Programming for Hackers..> 10-May-2016 00:14      3M
Guide to NumPy (for Python) (2006).pdf             07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python [Sweigart 20..> 10-May-2016 00:08      7M
Head First Programming_ A Learner's Guide to Pr..> 09-May-2016 23:37     12M
Head First Python [Barry 2010-11].pdf              10-May-2016 00:07     37M
Head First Python, First Edition (2010).pdf        07-Dec-2014 20:30     28M
Hello World - Computer Programming for Kids and..> 07-Dec-2014 20:31     30M
Hello! Python [Briggs 2012-02-23].pdf              10-May-2016 00:31     28M
High Performance Python_ Practical Performant P..> 10-May-2016 00:04      9M
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Learnin..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23   1000K
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Python ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist_ Learnin..> 09-May-2016 23:41    857K
Interfaces graphiques pour Python avec wxPython..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Introduction a Python 3.pdf                        07-Jul-2016 13:43      6M
Introduction to Computation and Programming usi..> 09-May-2016 23:18     21M
Introduction to Computation and Programming usi..> 09-May-2016 23:19     13M
Introduction to Computer Science using Python_ ..> 09-May-2016 23:25     58M
Introduction to Programming Concepts with Case ..> 10-May-2016 00:34      5M
Introduction to Programming using Python [Liang..> 09-May-2016 23:18      9M
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (200..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      3M
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Swe..> 09-May-2016 23:41      3M
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      5M
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python_ A B..> 09-May-2016 23:42      3M
IronPython in Action [Foord & Muirhead 2009-04-..> 10-May-2016 00:30      8M
Jython for Java Programmers.chm                    07-Dec-2014 20:22    713K
Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf  07-Dec-2014 20:22    598K
Learn Python The Hard Way_ A Very Simple Introd..> 09-May-2016 23:21      3M
Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python [Don..> 09-May-2016 23:54     13M
Learn to Program using Python [Gauld 2000-12-18..> 10-May-2016 00:34      2M
Les bases de PYTHON.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43    218K
Making Games with Python & Pygame [Sweigart 201..> 10-May-2016 00:08      4M
Making Use Of Python (2002).pdf                    07-Dec-2014 20:25      5M
Making Use of Python (2002).pdf                    07-Dec-2014 20:24      7M
Making Use of Python [Gupta 2002-06-15].pdf        09-May-2016 23:26      5M
Methods in Medical Informatics - Fundamentals o..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20      6M
Mobile Python - Rapid Prototyping of Applicatio..> 07-Dec-2014 20:24      3M
Mobile Python_ Rapid Prototyping of Application..> 09-May-2016 23:23      4M
MongoDB and Python_ Patterns and Processes for ..> 09-May-2016 23:55      4M
Natural Language Processing with Python (2009).pdf 07-Dec-2014 20:24      3M
Natural Language Processing with Python_ Analyz..> 09-May-2016 23:36      4M
Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python (2007)..> 07-Dec-2014 20:21    478K
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2..> 09-May-2016 23:27      4M
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python (2..> 09-May-2016 23:27      4M
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3 ..> 09-May-2016 23:42      8M
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python [K..> 09-May-2016 23:27      4M
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, S..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      4M
OWASP_Romania_Branca.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
Perl To Python Migration (2001).chm                07-Dec-2014 20:23    426K
Plongez au coeur de Python.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
Practical Programming - An Introduction to Comp..> 07-Dec-2014 20:28      9M
Practical Programming_ An Introduction to Compu..> 10-May-2016 00:32     13M
Practical Programming_ An Introduction to Compu..> 10-May-2016 00:30      9M
Pro Android Python with SL4A [Ferrill 2011-06-2..> 09-May-2016 23:53      6M
Pro IronPython [Harris 2009-06-20].pdf             09-May-2016 23:50     14M
Pro Python (2010).pdf                              07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Pro Python System Administration (2010).pdf        07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
Pro Python System Administration (2nd ed.) [Sil..> 10-May-2016 00:08      5M
Pro Python System Administration [Sileika 2010-..> 09-May-2016 23:51      7M
Pro Python_ Advanced Coding Techniques and Tool..> 09-May-2016 23:51      3M
Professional IronPython_ Design and Develop Iro..> 09-May-2016 23:24     20M
Professional Python Frameworks - Web 2.0 Progra..> 07-Dec-2014 20:31     10M
Professional Python Frameworks_ Web 2.0 Program..> 09-May-2016 23:22     10M
Programmation Python Agile.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 13:43     45M
Programmation Python Conception et optimisation..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
Programmation Python: Conception et optimisatio..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43      3M
Programmation python.pdf                           07-Jul-2016 13:43    357K
Programming Computer Vision with Python_ Tools ..> 10-May-2016 00:00     69M
Programming Python (2nd ed.) [Lutz 2001-03-11].pdf 09-May-2016 23:27      7M
Programming Python, 3rd Edition (2006).chm         07-Dec-2014 20:30     10M
Programming Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Pr..> 09-May-2016 23:29     22M
Programming Python_ Powerful Object-Oriented Pr..> 09-May-2016 23:34     31M
PyMOTW_1.4.pdf                                     07-Jul-2016 13:43      1M
Python & AWS Cookbook_ Managing Your Cloud with..> 09-May-2016 23:55      4M
Python & XML - XML Processing with Python, Firs..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Python & XML_ XML Processing with Python [Jones..> 09-May-2016 23:28      3M
Python - Create-Modify-Reuse (2008).pdf            07-Dec-2014 20:23      6M
Python - How to Program, 1e (2002).pdf             07-Dec-2014 20:30     25M
Python - How to Program.pdf                        07-Dec-2014 20:31     25M
Python - Visual QuickStart Guide (2001).chm        07-Dec-2014 20:29     11M
Python 2.1 Bible (2001).pdf                        07-Dec-2014 20:23      7M
Python 2.1 Bible [Brueck & Tanner 2001-06-29].pdf  09-May-2016 23:39      6M
Python 2.1 Bible.pdf                               07-Dec-2014 20:28      6M
Python 2.6 Quick Reference (Letter) (2009).pdf     07-Dec-2014 20:23    894K
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners (2009).pdf         07-Dec-2014 20:20      8M
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Hall & Stacey ..> 09-May-2016 23:49      8M
Python Algorithms_ Mastering Basic Algorithms i..> 10-May-2016 00:08      5M
Python Algorithms_ Mastering Basic Algorithms i..> 09-May-2016 23:52      3M
Python Cookbook_ Recipes for Mastering Python 3..> 10-May-2016 00:02     10M
Python Developer's Handbook [Lessa 2000-12-22].pdf 09-May-2016 23:38     11M
Python Developer's Handbook, First Edition (200..> 07-Dec-2014 20:30     15M
Python Essential Reference (2nd ed.) [Beazley 2..> 09-May-2016 23:39      2M
Python Essential Reference (3rd ed.) [Beazley 2..> 09-May-2016 23:38      2M
Python Essential Reference (4th ed.) [Beazley 2..> 09-May-2016 23:39      3M
Python Essential Reference, 2nd Edition.pdf        07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition (200..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Python Forensics_ A Workbench for Inventing and..> 09-May-2016 23:13      9M
Python Network Programming.pdf                     07-Jul-2016 13:43      5M
Python Petit guide a l_usage du developpeur agi..> 07-Jul-2016 13:43     45M
Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22    767K
Python Phrasebook - Essential Code and Commands..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      3M
Python Phrasebook_ Essential Code and Commands ..> 09-May-2016 23:39      3M
Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition (2009).pdf    07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
Python Pocket Reference_ Python in Your Pocket ..> 09-May-2016 23:33      1M
Python Pocket Reference_ Python in Your Pocket ..> 10-May-2016 00:04      5M
Python Power - The Comprehensive Guide (2008).pdf  07-Dec-2014 20:28      6M
Python Power!_ The Comprehensive Guide [Telles ..> 10-May-2016 00:16      4M
Python Programming - An Introduction to Compute..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20      1M
Python Programming Fundamentals (2010).pdf         07-Dec-2014 20:22      4M
Python Programming Fundamentals (2nd ed.) [Lee ..> 09-May-2016 23:55     10M
Python Programming Fundamentals [Lee 2010-10-28..> 10-May-2016 00:27      4M
Python Programming Tutorial.pdf                    07-Dec-2014 20:23    512K
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2..> 07-Dec-2014 20:28      5M
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner.chm   07-Dec-2014 20:22      6M
Python Programming on Win32, First Edition (200..> 07-Dec-2014 20:21      2M
Python Programming on Win32_ Help for Windows P..> 10-May-2016 00:10      5M
Python Programming with the Java Class Librarie..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
Python Projects [Cassell & Gauld 2014-12-03].pdf   09-May-2016 23:48      9M
Python Scripting For Computational Science.pdf     07-Dec-2014 20:22      5M
Python Scripting for Computational Science (2nd..> 10-May-2016 00:32      4M
Python Scripting for Computational Science (3rd..> 10-May-2016 00:33      6M
Python Scripting for Computational Science [Lan..> 10-May-2016 00:33      4M
Python Scripting for Computational Science, Thi..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      5M
Python Standard Library (2001).chm                 07-Dec-2014 20:23    356K
Python Standard Library (2001).pdf                 07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
Python Standard Library_ An Annotated Reference..> 09-May-2016 23:27      2M
Python Tuto Swinnen.pdf                            07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
Python and HDF5_ Unlocking Scientific Data [Col..> 10-May-2016 00:05      7M
Python in Practice_ Create Better Programs usin..> 09-May-2016 23:21      4M
Python in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition (2006).chm       07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Python in a Nutshell_ A Desktop Quick Reference..> 09-May-2016 23:30     22M
Python in a Nutshell_ A Desktop Quick Reference..> 09-May-2016 23:28      4M
Python-arsenal-for-RE-1.1.pdf                      25-Aug-2016 13:22      1M
Python.Developers.Handbook.Sams.pdf                07-Dec-2014 20:30     12M
Python.v1.3.13.S60.3rd.Edition.Docs.pdf            07-Dec-2014 20:22    561K
PythonCheatSheet.pdf                               07-Jul-2016 13:43     30K
PythonForWeb.pdf                                   25-Aug-2016 13:22    121K
Python_ Create-Modify-Reuse [Knowlton 2008-07-0..> 09-May-2016 23:22      6M
Python_ How to Program [Deitel, Deitel, Liperi ..> 09-May-2016 23:15     25M
Python_and_XML.pdf                                 07-Jul-2016 13:43      2M
Python_en_action.pdf                               25-Aug-2016 13:22    356K
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt - The ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:29      7M
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt_ The D..> 09-May-2016 23:17      7M
Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears - Using ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:29      6M
Rapid.Python.Web.Application.Development.Mar.20..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      5M
Real World Instrumentation with Python - Automa..> 07-Dec-2014 20:31      7M
Real World Instrumentation with Python_ Automat..> 09-May-2016 23:38      9M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Snake Wrangling for Kids - Learning to Program ..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Start Here - Python Programming - Made Simple f..> 07-Dec-2014 20:24      3M
Starting Out with Python (2009).pdf                07-Dec-2014 20:31     34M
Starting Out with Python (2nd ed.) [Gaddis 2011..> 09-May-2016 23:17      4M
Starting Out with Python [Gaddis 2008-03-07].pdf   09-May-2016 23:19     34M
Swaroop.CH--A_byte_of_python_115.pdf               07-Jul-2016 13:43    543K
Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours (2000).chm       07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
Test-Driven Development with Python_ Obey the T..> 10-May-2016 00:04     10M
Test-Driven Web Development with Python_ Fewer ..> 10-May-2016 00:04      6M
Testing Python_ Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD..> 09-May-2016 23:47     17M
Text Processing in Python (2003).chm               07-Dec-2014 20:22    855K
The Definitive Guide to Pylons [Gardner 2008-12..> 10-May-2016 00:13      4M
The Practice of Computing using Python (2nd ed...> 09-May-2016 23:18      9M
The Programming Historian - An open-access intr..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      2M
The Python Quick Syntax Reference_ The Only Pyt..> 09-May-2016 23:54      1M
The Quick Python Book (2nd ed.) [Ceder 2010-01-..> 10-May-2016 00:31      4M
The Quick Python Book, Second Edition (2010).pdf   07-Dec-2014 20:20      4M
Think Bayes_ Bayesian Statistics in Python [Dow..> 10-May-2016 00:05     12M
Think Python - An Introduction to Software Desi..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20      1M
Think Python - How To Think Like a Computer Sci..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20      1M
Think Python_ How to Think Like a Computer Scie..> 10-May-2016 00:02      7M
Thinking In Python (HTML & code).zip               07-Dec-2014 20:20    547K
Thinking in Python (Bruce Eckel, Rev 0.1.2) - 2..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20    831K
Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf                     07-Dec-2014 20:20    282K
Thinking_In_Python.pdf                             07-Jul-2016 13:43    831K
Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010)..> 07-Dec-2014 20:20      1M
Tutoriel Python.pdf                                25-Aug-2016 13:22    311K
Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Event-..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      1M
Unix - GUI Programming with Python.chm             07-Dec-2014 20:23    785K
Web2py Enterprise Web Framework (2nd ed.) [di P..> 09-May-2016 23:25      4M
Web2py Enterprise Web Framework, 2nd Edition (2..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
Wiley.Mobile.Python.Rapid.prototyping.of.applic..> 07-Dec-2014 20:23      4M
XML Processing with Perl, Python, and PHP (2002..> 07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
XML Processing with Python.pdf                     07-Dec-2014 20:22      2M
apprendre_a-programmer-avec-python2.pdf            08-Aug-2015 16:03      4M
apprendre_python3.pdf                              25-Aug-2016 13:22      5M
apprendre_python3Swinnen.pdf                       08-Aug-2015 16:03      5M
apprenez_a_programmer_en_python.pdf                08-Aug-2015 16:03     13M
bases-python-by-LaSourisVerte.pdf                  25-Aug-2016 13:22    218K
cours_python.pdf                                   08-Aug-2015 16:03    600K
courspython3.pdf                                   08-Aug-2015 16:03      4M
frdiveintopython.pdf                               29-Dec-2010 18:18    910K
gdd_pydp.pdf                                       07-Jul-2016 13:43      4M
initiation-a-python.pdf                            25-Aug-2016 13:23    250K
memo_python_french.pdf                             25-Aug-2016 13:23      1M
python.pdf                                         25-Aug-2016 13:23     80M
python_101.epub                                    08-Nov-2016 16:08     21M                                    08-Nov-2016 16:16     27M
python_101.pdf                                     08-Nov-2016 16:32     30M
python_fr.pdf                                      07-Jul-2016 13:43    357K
python_notes.pdf                                   03-Feb-2009 20:31      1M
thinkcspy.pdf                                      03-Feb-2009 20:31    863K
wxPython in Action (2006).pdf                      07-Dec-2014 20:30     13M
wxPython in Action [Rappin & Dunn 2006-03-01].pdf  10-May-2016 00:29     13M